The Currier Museum of Art in Manchester, NH is exhibiting a magnificent collection of watercolor paintings as it presents From Homer to Hopper: American Watercolor Masterworks. The special exhibit runs from March 6 - June 7, 2010 and is a highlight of the museum's year-long celebration of their 80th anniversary.
These masterworks have not been exhibited as a group for two decades due to the fragile nature of watercolors and their tendency to fade when exposed to light. The exhibit features such masters as Winslow Homer, Edward Hopper, Andrew Wyeth, Maurice Prendergast, and Georgia O'Keeffe.
With 75 works on display, mostly drawn from the Currier's own collection, there is much too see and marvel at here. And who knows when they will be brought out into the light again.
Click HERE for more information about the Currier Museum of Art and this event.
Lets go to this exibit over school break!